


I am making a stone wall sign for the art studio.

最近地ビールの店や、面白い店が立ち並ぶ人気スポット。 今回はそこにあるアートスタジオの前の庭作り。


かなり街中という事とアートスタジオの、という事で今回は普段使っているBasalt にMicaという石を3色いれて、ちょい存在感ある色彩で積んでいます。


I will make the sign which suits your shop?

September 22, 2018
Imashi Garden Inc.
At one with nature... Learn the changes of the season firsthand and discover the essence of daily growth and change.
Unearth inspiration and exhilaration in each day as it passes.
Perhaps this is what we miss from our daily lives—a lavish amount of time spent at one with nature.

The answer lies in the garden.